More trips, more experiences, more whales! Another great week down at Seabreeze Adventures and more encounters.
Our Zodiac headed out mid week and went straight to one of our favourite spots, Active Pass! Anyone who has taken the ferry between Tsawwassen and Swartz Bay will be familiar with this beautiful pass between Mayne Island and Galiano Island. Popular with resting Harbour Seals, Sea Lions and of course passing BC ferries, this pass is definitely a very "Active" pass.
A search through the pass revealed what everyone had been looking for...some Killer Whales! A pod of four Bigg's Killer Whales travelling fast on the north side of the pass was a welcome sight.

On the way home, a common sight but a quick one, was a couple of Harbour Porpoises saying a quick hello and goodbye to our boat! And of course a trip around the Salish Sea isn't complete without a stop to see some Pinnipeds! Some Californian Sea Lions along the Steveston Jetty on the way home is always the cherry on top to seeing the variety of marine life in Vancouver waters.
There is so much wildlife in this area, sometimes they have to share small spaces. Luckily, these predators don't mind sharing and don't pay each other much mind. Check out the photo of a young bald eagle leaving his buddy sea lion to enjoy the sun, taken by naturalist Camryn.

Thanks to all who joined Captain Elliot and Naturalist Camryn. We look forward to seeing you all again! All photos/videos were taken using a Canon camera with a telescopic lens and cropping.